Cartooning at the lab


Hello all!
Thank you for coming here to this blog post.
You must be interested in computer science of graphics or something!
I feel you.
Let me introduce myself, I am a Canadian Cartoonist that is currently blessed with the opportunity to sit in at the Future Reality Lab this summer.
I am so Canadian it’s not even funny. I found my “psychedelic” aesthetic by traveling across the country, often times hitch hiking and camping wherever I could find a patch of trees. I’ve been working for the National Film board of Canada since 2012 making films, games and virtual reality experiences. My latest project with them being the Museum of Symmetry “An “other-dimension” VR adventure game that takes you on an absurdist mind-and-body romp through the highest clouds to the ocean deep”
Now I am drawing little deers and mammoths at NYU!
How did this come about?
Well, I asked Ken Perlin if I could use a Cintiq at the lab while I was on vacation in NYC (because I’m never really on vacation)
Luckily Ken had already played my game at the NFB and agreed to let me come for the week!
Everyone here has been full swing in production on Cave and needed someone to do 2D animations of animals for the wall paintings of the cave.
You know what my specialty is?
2D animations of animals.
So here I am!
I use a 13 inch Cintiq and TVpaint to draw my animations, then I export them as a sprite sheet and they are imported into Unity using the Unity Sprite sheet editor.
But enough about me.
Lets talk about Vancouver…
Because that’s where Siggraph is taking place this year.
Vancouver is pretty rad, there is a ‘clothing optional’ beach. It’s called Wreck Beach. I wonder why it’s called that? Stanley park is spectacular and full of extremely tall trees.  You know whats better than Vancouver? Vancouver Island. I went camping at this incredible place called Raft Cove on Vancouver island a few years ago. The beach glows blue with bio-luminescent plankton and the grains of sand are so big you can see radiolaran type exoskeletons with your bare eyes.
I am excited to go back, and I am honored to be going to Siggraph with NYU and to be showing the Museum of Symmetry at Siggraph as well.

Here are a few of my anims to far

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